A bit about me and why I am the way I am.
Once upon a time...
There was a boy.
He was born in Inglewood, CA on February 3, 1973.
His parents were Donnis and Duane.
He grew up in Anaheim and Berkeley, CA.
He graduated from Albany High School in 1991.
He's attended many colleges, most recently WSU Vancouver.
He has a sister, Jennifer, who was born on July 15, 1974.
He has a brother, Cavan, who was born on July 11, 1983.
His Mother lives in California.
His Father died on April 8, 2004.
He is a writer, a musician, a tutor, and an overall friendly person.
That boy is now a man, and that man is me.
My poltics:
I'm a Democrat by choice. I spent a bit of time flirting with the Republican party due to certain issues, like my stance on Guns and Taxes. I feel, sometimes, like an Independent, a man without a political compass if you will. I've taken many political quizzes, enrolled in many political science classes, listened to arguments on both sides, decided what I was for and against, and ultimately decided that, overall, the Democratic party was for me.
Like any other American, I don't appreciate being called names, nor do I like being told I'm wrong. I want my opinions to matter. I realize that in this world, freedom of speech includes freedom to listen, and that people may or may not choose to listen to me. I try to be proud of this country, to support its interests, and I'd like to think I would adhere to the constitution if *I* were ever elected President. I expect people to tell the truth, mostly, and I try to do the same. I realize the importance of being willing to change one's mind. I know it is crucial to question everything, and not just take what comes to me on blind faith or just because someone tells me to.
I am open to the opinions of those outside this country, save for the terrorists who attacked this country on 9/11. I was present in New York City on that terrible day, and until this day I remain very awake and aware of how dangerous this world is. My heart and prayers also go out to the men and women overseas serving in the Military. I wish them a safe and expedient journey home. I try to look at both sides of every coin, and find myself oftentimes questioning my own opinion. I try to analyze why I have the ideas that I do.
Sometimes, I get angry, and I rant. I know I can piss people off or alienate them from me in this way. I definitely need to learn the definition of a sound argument. I often find myself in debates without any specific reason. I try to learn from my mistakes.
I've left this blog open to everyone, and I will not delete any posts from it... unless you flagrantly and violently threaten me in any way. Discourse and disagreement is welcome, flame wars and trolling are not. I know you'd expect as much from me were I to post on your Blog.
That's really it for now.