Random opinions. Random issues. Random rants. Random.
Published on November 5, 2004 By CraigAlan In Politics
Hello, my name is Craig, and I'm an angry American.

I spoke out recently in another article, citing a quote from The Daily Mirror. It was a long article. Don't bother to read it.

First of all, I've already been around here, posting, albeit through the Political Machine forums. I just got this blog after debating endlessly whether I should get one and decided why not.

Secondly, I think I've realized, especially lately, that I've been guilty in some ways of what might be considered "trolling." I don't want anyone to label me in a certain way, so I've decided to step forward and apologize publically to everyone I've offended.

I don't know if I'll be welcome in this community, but I'd like to give it a shot. I'll admit I'm human and therefore flawed, and I tend to speak sometimes before I think. I don't expect anything really, but I think it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong.

I'm extending the official olive branch. I also now, officially, have a blog and anyone can come and post (or not come and post) in it. I can't promise much but just be warned... I do like to argue. I'll try to be less impulsive in the future, though.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 05, 2004
craig: I didn't understand your comment on my Bush Won? blog . . . am I supposed to be angry at you for something? I can't remember. You've always seemed nice and respectful to me. Please fill me in.
on Nov 05, 2004
I was referring to another article I wrote on here, TW. does anybody care about this?.

I remembered the post I made on your other thread, the one about your husband? So that's where this all came from. I hope this clears it up, but I'll wait and see.
on Nov 05, 2004
I didn't actually finish reading the artical.... It wasn't bad, just kinda extreme.... and I welcome pretty much anyone to the community.... since I'm new to it also... And don't feel bad, I'm really opinionated and debate a lot too.
on Nov 05, 2004
I remembered the post I made on your other thread, the one about your husband? So that's where this all came from. I hope this clears it up, but I'll wait and see.

Hmmm . . . you never upset me in any way, craig. I appreciated your comments; I found wisdom and comfort in them. I hope that you checked my reply to your comments. I've yet to see you conduct yourself in a mean-spirited or reckless manner on JU (unless I've missed something). You are, in my mind anyway, a welcome addition to the JU community.
on Nov 05, 2004
Well, thanks... both to TW and msladydeath for replying. I'm not getting any people like thatoneguyinslc or drmiller (who replied on my other article) or Grim for that matter... but that could be a function of a number of things. My daily mirror article was summarily ignored, for the most part, though... so I think I'm pretty safe.

TW: are you sure you read this (that's the link to the article in question). Not that I want you angry at me suddenly but I think I should at least be honest and clear this up. I must've miscommunicated something. But my mind's been all over the place lately. You don't really have to read it... I was actually fairly angry when I wrote that. It took reading your article, reading some other articles, and re-reading my replies to other people's articles to break me out of this mood I've been in.
on Nov 05, 2004
Yeah, I read that. I will admit that it is an extreme article, but considering what all has taken place, I'm not going to hold it against you since you seem to be a nice guy otherwise. If you feel the need to apologize, then it's probably a good idea to do it. Most people on here are very forgiving and inclusive. As long as you don't make a habit out of being a troll (and I'm not saying that you have been), then this apology article should get you back in everyone's good graces.
on Nov 05, 2004
I thank you for that, and I'm currently hoping you're right.

It's up to everyone else though, at this point. You're welcome to post in my blog at any time (that goes for everyone who reads this).
on Nov 05, 2004
nice blog good job
on Nov 05, 2004
You know, I read and commented on the (offending?) article, and I'm not understanding why you now feel the need to apologize. But that's OK; apology accepted. Carry on. I'm stil waiting for my black & tan.
on Nov 05, 2004
I must disagree with the esteemed Texas Wahine, troll all you want, it's fun. Just remember to throw the fish back if they are too small
on Nov 05, 2004
It's all very complicated, and so I'll try to explain myself.

I try to live life by one very simple rule: "do unto others as you'd have done unto you."

Whoah, wait a minute, you say, isn't that the "Golden Rule"? Yes, yes it is.

I say a lot of things, as I so quickly announced before. In the end, a few of them (at best) make any sense whatsoever. I can (as some of you have seen) get angry fairly easy. I don't like feeling certain ways and when I feel those ways I tend to let logic take a back seat.

A lot of bloggers on this site are more levelheaded than I could ever be. I titled my blog "Eccentric eclectic" for a reason. I think it aptly describes who I am in two words. I'm not trying to force myself on anyone (yeah, I know I come off that way sometimes) here. If I make friends, great, if I make enemies... I can't really help it. I'm full of passion, full of ideas, and some people might even say I'm full of shit. It's okay, because I can live with it. I'm not really into trying to please people.

I am, however, into making amends to people when I say something to them and then turn around and behave to the contrary. It's a pot and kettle thing, y'see. That I happen to be unpredictable in this way I'm sure makes certain people wary of me. I usually try to be a nice guy. But I do have strong opinions.

So thus ends the explanation. I've pretty much let it go at this point and decided to leave the ball in everyone else's court.
on Nov 05, 2004
Dear Craig--

We have a similar problem. I opened my mouth the other day and snakes and snails and clouds of smoke billowed out to my surprise, and that doesn't normally happen. I hope that Joe Users as a society are accepting to you despite some stupid statements you may have made and not really meant, or maybe they got a little out of hand, whatever, everybody has big-mouth-little-brain-days. Just try to be humble and apologize for those days whenever they happen, and don't get out of hand too much. That's what I'm trying to do!

Stupid mouths

Anyhow, welcome.

on Nov 05, 2004
PS. I could completely copy and paste your last comment onto my blog and it would totally apply. No one would even know it wasn't written by me, except it's a little less "hysterical" as I am so described. (I wish i felt hysterical too, usually i'm pretty calm but there it is. can't hear my voice )
on Nov 05, 2004
The other TW - Oddly enough, I feel flattered that you'd consider plagiarising me (although plagiarising is SUCH an ugly word). Thanks for the comments, and I think EVERYONE has "one of those days." I sometimes forget to eat and sleep, which complicates things a bit.
on Nov 05, 2004
I titled my blog "Eccentric eclectic" for a reason

Mines called Clinical Insanity for simular reasons, don't feel bad ever about your opinions, they wouldn't be yours if you did.

I sometimes forget to eat and sleep, which complicates things a bit.

I know the feeling....
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