I don't speak for everyone, I just speak for myself, but please listen.
"I've been guilty, to a certain degree, of attacking other people's opinions."
How many people here can NOT raise their hand to this statement?
I'm guilty. I'll admit it. You may not like to admit it, but it doesn't make it not true.
My question is: why is it we so quickly shut out anything that doesn't agree with our own point of view?
I did that. I wouldn't read it if I didn't agree with it. But then I forced myself to read it and found myself understanding where the person was coming from. Some people on here tend to be more extreme than others, so I find myself shaking my head at them. I wonder how they can think and believe the way they do (this goes for people on both sides of that "left and right" coin).
Is there no middle? Is there no way we can compromise? Discussion, argument, debate is one thing. Personal attacks are another thing. I get as defensive as the next person when this happens. I'm sure you'd get defensive if I attacked you personally.
Lately, especially after I posted my public apology, I've been tempted to reply to several articles on here. I forced myself to take a step back and think. Today, I decided to come on here and try to make my first actual point.
We survive together, or not at all.
It's a quote, I admit. I don't know who said it. I quoted Martin Luther King, Jr. earlier, and I still agree with that ("Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter"). Thing is... what matters to you may not matter to me and vice versa. However, I believe the key here is compromise. You don't wanna compromise? That's your decision. I'm not trying to make you. I don't know about you, but I'd like the human race to be able to solve its problems. We may fuss, fight, and moan but in the end all it really takes is trying to understand where the other person is coming from. Instead of fearing and hating what is different, trying to accept that it exists. A closed mind is one that, oftentimes, doesn't function properly. Maybe I've been a bit close-minded in the past; I'll confess.
Like it or not we share this planet. Some of us here want to keep it that way, others would probably rather the rest of us go away. The future depends on what decisions we make NOW. Not what came before, although history can teach us a lesson. What we teach children and learn ourselves impacts future generations. Politics is a tricky animal because its something people are very passionate about. Fine, so be it. I'm not trying to do anything drastic around here. I just happen to be the kinda guy that tends to ask "why" a lot. Why ask why, you say? Why can't I just accept the way things are? Because I'm not like that. I question things. I'm a curious dude. Curiosity killed the cat? Maybe, but that ain't gonna stop me. I'm not really afraid. One thing I do know is that at some point, humanity has to get over itself and try to come to some sort of accord. This may not be world peace, and we may still fight with one another, but at some point we have to realize that it's okay that John is different from Joe. Why? Because we're all HUMAN. I'm not going to do anything rash like suggesting we all have a sing-along and embrace each other, so don't get me wrong.
I'm all for fighting, if it's done right. To solve legitimate problems and disagreements, I think it's necessary to have debates, discussions, arguments, and sometimes even a good old fashioned bar-room brawl. It's human nature. War is human nature, so I don' t think we can ever get rid of that. But let's just stop and think about this for a minute: why do we war with one another? Just think about it. Don't pull up links, do research, or go ask your local Army recruiter. Just... ask yourself. Do you hear an answer?
If you've gotten this far, I thank you for being willing to listen. As a final observation, I'd like to note that many of the world's problems could be solved if we'd all be willing to put down our guns and fists and go have a pint at the local bar. Not that I'm suggesting alcohol is the answer, but it's a start.