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CraigAlan's Articles In Politics
October 21, 2004 by CraigAlan
My fellow Americans, I have a feeling that you and I are a lot alike. We both value the Constitution. We both love living in America. We both believe in God. We both watch Football and/or Baseball. We both are saddened by the memory of 9/11. There may be other similarities, too. We both might have brown hair. Or blue eyes. We both might drive the same car. So here's my question: why do you hate me? I certainly don't hate you. I don't agree with you, but that doesn't mean I hate you. ...
October 23, 2004 by CraigAlan
Reply #29 By: Citizen Grim Xiozan - 10/23/2004 12:55:06 PM Let a man more learned than I on the Constitution say something about this. Michael Badnarik on Gun Control: "If I have a "hot button" issue, this is definitely it. Don't even THINK about taking my guns! My rights are not negotiable, and I am totally unwilling to compromise when it comes to the Second Amendment. Let me reiterate an axiom of my philosophy. Rights and privileges are polar opposites. A right is som...
November 5, 2004 by CraigAlan
Hello, my name is Craig, and I'm an angry American. I spoke out recently in another article, citing a quote from The Daily Mirror. It was a long article. Don't bother to read it. First of all, I've already been around here, posting, albeit through the Political Machine forums. I just got this blog after debating endlessly whether I should get one and decided why not. Secondly, I think I've realized, especially lately, that I've been guilty in some ways of what might be considered "t...
November 4, 2004 by CraigAlan
This is from "The Daily Mirror," a paper in Great Britain (one of our "greatest allies") "THEY say that in life you get what you deserve. Well, today America has deservedly got a lawless cowboy to lead them further into carnage and isolation and the unreserved contempt of most of the rest of the world. This once-great country has pulled up its drawbridge for another four years and stuck a finger up to the billions of us forced to share the same air. And in doing so, it has shown itself to ...
November 1, 2004 by CraigAlan
My mother sent this to me. It echoes how I feel bout this whole thing, pretty much. MEDITATION OR PRAYER BEFORE AS YOU PREPARE TO GO TO VOTE Thank You, the Power of Healing and Transformation in the Universe, that Your energy has moved through human beings in the past and inspired them to create democratic institutions that would give me and others this wonderful opportunity to participate in shaping our world. I know that the outcome of this election will have consequences for all six b...
October 27, 2004 by CraigAlan
This from the cover of Time Magazine : "The Morning After: On November 3, assuming we have a decision, America will wake up to either a President returning to office or a newly elected one. To the victor goes a nation dviided. A nation split over its place in the world, over its basic values, over its future direction. No matter who wins, the Uncivil War is likely to continue. After such a venomous campaign, will it be possible to pick up the pieces, bridge the gaps, and reunite the...
November 6, 2004 by CraigAlan
"I've been guilty, to a certain degree, of attacking other people's opinions." How many people here can NOT raise their hand to this statement? I'm guilty. I'll admit it. You may not like to admit it, but it doesn't make it not true. My question is: why is it we so quickly shut out anything that doesn't agree with our own point of view? I did that. I wouldn't read it if I didn't agree with it. But then I forced myself to read it and found myself understanding where the person was...